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Infrared rays are one of the sun’s rays. These rays are the healthiest, penetrating into your skin deeply and  dissolving harmful substances accumulated in your body. They support your immune system, improve skin conditions, reduce appearances of cellulite,  detoxifies thru increased blood circulation, reduces muscles aches, supports weight loss, and increases metabolism. 

Infrared Therapy uses light to create heat.  A traditional sauna uses heat to warm the air, typically at temperatures between 180 - 220°F, which in turn, warms your body.  An infrared sauna heats your body directly without warming the air around you, maintaining a temperature no greater than 150°F. 


Infrared saunas are an effective tool for natural healing and prevention. Infrared light has the ability to penetrate human tissue which in turn produces a host of anti-aging health benefits for overall healthier living. It creates a chain reaction of benefits that detoxify, stimulate, and rejuvenate multiple areas of the mind and body. If you want to get yourself back into balance, the benefits of an infrared sauna may be just what you need to achieve your wellness goals.





+ Weight Loss and Increased Metabolism
+ Muscle Pain Relief
+ Immune System Boost
+ Detoxification
+ Relaxation
+ Relief from Joint Pain and Arthritis
+ Improved Circulation
+ Stress and Fatigue Reduction
+ Improves Skin

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Sweat out the toxins. Sweating is one of the body’s safest and most natural ways to heal and maintain good health by helping to eliminate toxic heavy metals, drug residues, and hormone disruptors. With the deepest penetration,
Sunlighten saunas’ infrared helps increase blood flow and perspiration.


Weight Loss
Increase metabolism and burn fat. Increasing core body heat increases calorie burn, similar to exercise. Infrared saunas also help with the elimination of toxins that cause fat storage.


Heart Health
Improve heart health. Infrared therapy can help your heart work better by exercising the heart, temporarily reducing blood pressure, and improving circulation.


Purify and rejuvenate your skin. Harness a scientifically-proven “fountain of youth” and revitalize your skin’s appearance. Far infrared waves increase circulation and detoxify the skin, helping regenerate and cleanse cells.


Heating the body from inside can improve the function of the immune system just like a fever can. Therefore, regular Sunlighten sauna use can help reduce the incidences of cold and flu, and help you recover faster from illness.


Muscle Recovery
Repair muscles faster. Many professional athletes use Sunlighten saunas to recover from their training and injuries. Infrared helps deliver more oxygen to cells for faster repair and pain relief.

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